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Exclusive to Wayside Water GardensThis ingenious Lily Sack is an ideal solution for people wantin..
Exclusive to Wayside Water GardensPlanting Socks are a cost-effective way of planting Marginal po..
Japanese Sweet Flag / Variegated Sweet FlagAcorus calamus 'Variegatus'Iris like foliage with a small..
Golden Variegated Slender Sweet Flag Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' This variegated semi evergree..
Variegated Slender Sweet Flag Acorus gramineus variegatus This variegated semi evergreen h..
Alba Water LilyNymphea AlbaBritain's only native water lily has handsome, green foliage and white, b..
Water PlantainAlisma plantago aquaticumWhen mature this plant sends up many flower stems with multip..
ChivesAllium schoenoprasumGrass-like, tubular mid-green leaves with pretty rose-pink flowers. Chives..
Bog PimpernelAnagallis tenellaForms a dense carpet of tiny leaves, mixed with numerous rosy-pink flo..
Apache BeadsAnemopsis californicumIt has beautiful, white scented flowers and broad, dark green leav..
Water HawthornAponogeton distachyosFree flowering for most of the year. Very hardy, but if protected..
Lady FernAthyrium filix feminaOne of the prettiest of our native ferns with tufts of tall, lacy, pal..
Japanese Painted FernAthyrium niponicum metallicumVery popular due to its attractive blue, green, ma..
Eared Lady FernAthyrium otoph okanumBright green fronds supported on dark red tinted stems. Athyrium..
Attraction Water LilyNymphaea 'Attraction'The large, deep rose-red blooms of this very popular, free..