
Products meeting the search criteria

Alba Water LilyNymphea AlbaBritain's only native water lily has handsome, green foliage and white, b..


ArrowheadSagittaria sagittifoliaLong, arrow-shaped leaves. White flowers with dark purple, almost bl..


Bog Bean Menyanthes trifoliata A rambling plant with trifoliate, olive-green foliage that ..


Bog PimpernelAnagallis tenellaForms a dense carpet of tiny leaves, mixed with numerous rosy-pink flo..


Brooklime / Water Speedwell Veronica beccabunga Very prolific, succulent plant, having smo..


ChivesAllium schoenoprasumGrass-like, tubular mid-green leaves with pretty rose-pink flowers. Chives..


Cotton GrassEriophorum angustifoliumA beautiful, evergreen, native plant with grass type foliage and..


Cuckoo Flower / Lady's Smock Cardamine pratensis Mounds of pale green, ferny foliage with ..


Dutch Rush Equisetum Hymale This stunning, evergreen plant adds interest to the garden all..


Dwarf Hairgrass Eleocharis acicularis Slender, little tufted plant with needle-like stems,..


Flowering RushButomus umbellatusPretty pink flowers in umbels rise above the triangular leaves, whic..


Fringed Water Lily / Yellow Floating HeartNymphoides peltataA delicate little plant that has a profu..


Common Bulrush / Greater ReedmaceTypha latifoliaThis is the common bulrush, it is taller and more vi..


Greater Spearwort / Water ButtercupRanunculus lingua grandiflorusLong, ovate, deep blue-green leaves..


Hard Rush Juncus Inflexus Tall, blue-grey slender leaved rush. May self-seed in optimum gr..


Showing 1 to 15 of 44 (3 Pages)